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Driving Excellence and Efficiency in Specifications

  • Sponsor: Deltek
  • Credits: 1 AIA LU

Course Description

The need for accuracy and speed is paramount in today’s fast-paced design environment. And it’s no secret that developing construction specifications is time consuming and complex. But it doesn’t have to be. In this session, you’ll learn 5 ways a new age specifier can be pivotal in driving innovation, excellence and efficiency with your firm’s specification processes.

Whether your firm has seasoned specifiers or you’re new to the field, this webinar will provide valuable insights and practical tips that can help you streamline workflows, reduce manual tasks, and deliver projects more efficiently.

Note: Certificates of Completion will be emailed in a PDF format for your records right away. Please allow for up to 3 to 4 weeks to receive AIA credit for the course.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the key aspects of a new age specifier role that includes leveraging technology advancements to enhance project outcomes and improve efficiencies.
  • Learn how digital workflow practices can optimize accuracy, improve efficiencies, and project success.
  • Understand how to streamline collaboration and communication with architects, engineers, contractors, and other stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle.
  • See how accurately defined specifications can lead to fewer errors, reduced work and improve construction quality.
  • Discover how to apply lessons learned for continuous improvement and enhance project outcomes.